Cadena epidemiologica virus ebola

Cadena epidemiologica del virus del ebola microorganismo. Absence of specific treatment or vaccine 20 previous ebola and marburg virus outbreaks. Ebov, is one of six known species within the genus ebolavirus. Sep 09, 2014 withdrawn ebola virus disease epidemiological update. As of august, 2014, 2,127 patients across four west african countries have been infected with the ebola virus over the past nine months. Epidemiological features and trends of ebola virus disease in. Over the past 40 years, sporadic ebola virus disease evd outbreaks have occurred mostly in the central african region. Epidemiological features and trends of ebola virus disease. Phe publications gateway number 2015463 pdf, 952kb, 7 pages this file may not be suitable for users of assistive. This may be related to cultural attitude of unsafe preparation of the deceased andor unsafe burial practices, as well as unsafe handling and consumption of infected bush animals. The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ebola virus disease are discussed elsewhere. Viruses have a core of genetic material, but no way to reproduce it on their. Counts of ebola were highest in the area around monrovia and in the district of bong, liberia.

Ebola virus disease cases and associated deaths conakry, the capital city, and surrounding prefectures, guinea, january 1, 2014march 29, 2015. Epidemiological and surveillance response to ebola virus. Ebola virus disease outbreak west africa, october 2014. Four of the six known ebolaviruses, including ebov, cause a severe and often fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans and other mammals, known as ebola virus disease evd. Lhote reservoir naturel du virus ebola reste inconnu. In march 2014, an outbreak of evd was recognized in guinea which would become the most significant outbreak of haemorrhagic fever in africa to date. Fievre hemorra gique a virus ebola fiche technique. Song drink up me hearties yo ho from pirates of the caribbean.

Oct 28, 2014 ebola virus disease cumulative incidence west africa, october 18, 2014 cumulative number of reported ebola virus disease cases per 100,000 persons since december 22, 20. Ebola virus diseases evd has been found in nonhuman primates in asia and united states but human cases are only reported in subsaharan africa since 1976 26. Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to ebola virus, though 810 day. Avisos epidemiologicos virus ebola 2016 al pais africano. It was predicted that the ebola outbreak in west africa would end in june 2015. Number of new cases of ebola virus disease reported west africa, september 28october 18. Cadena epidemiologica del zika by alouette torres on prezi.

The figure above is a map of west africa showing the number of new cases of ebola reported in west africa during september 28october 18. Epidemiology of epidemic ebola virus disease in conakry and. Epidemiology of epidemic ebola virus disease in conakry. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of ebola virus disease will be presented here, including knowledge that emerged during and after the west african epidemic of ebola virus disease. The western african ebola virus epidemic 202016 was the most widespread outbreak of ebola virus disease evd in historycausing major loss of life and socioeconomic disruption in the region, mainly in guinea, liberia and sierra leone. Aug 18, 2014 ebola virus disease hereafter ebola has a high fatality rate. Zaire ebolavirus, more commonly known as ebola virus i. Ebola virus is the cause of a viral hemorrhagic fever disease. Compared to the peak of the outbreak, the number of new cases per day has decreased by 92. The outbreak started in guinea and rapidly spread to liberia and sierra leone, claiming thousands of lives.

Marburg and ebola viruses are emerging pathogens recognized since 1967, and in 1976, when they were first identified. Ebola virus disease cases by conakry, the capital city, and its 5 communes, guinea, january 1, 2014 march 29, 2015. It is a severe, often fatal disease 50%90% fatality in humans and nonhuman primates such as monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees. The figure above is a map of west africa showing ebola cumulative incidence as of october 18, 2014.

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